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Darbkhana is derived from two word...
In English it is called pound which...
This is the Dutch rial it was used...
This is the Austrian rial cal...
This is the Spanish rial and so nam...
It is derived from the Spanish word...
In 1280 AH / 1863 AD a 10 Piastres...
Shilling is an English coin and the...
The French franc was...
Its origin is Turkish and it means...
Piastres or ghirsh and some pronoun...
Kursh taariffa means a piastre'...
The millieme had multiplications in...
The milieme had parts some of It wa...
Millieme is a French word which mea...
Yarmlaq or Yarmlak is a Turkish wor...
Yuzlak or yozlak is a Turkish word...
Tmishlak is Turkish tmish means 60...
Iklalk is an old Turkish coin used...
Zaluta Waluta or Zalata is an old s...